Based on the overall strategy for the HEIR work plan, the work to be performed in the project will be realised in a set of work packages illustrated below.

Work Packages
Duration: M1 - M6
The objectives of this WP are to:
- identify the role of HEIR in security in the health domain.
- gain insight into the parameters that drive the needs for security, assurance and privacy in a healthcare system.
- Sidentify critical updates in terms of available tools and technologies, taken place in the period between proposal submission and project’s initiation.
- design the architecture of the HEIR integrated platform.
- describe the HEIR experimentation protocol.
D1.1. HEIR innovations for healthcare systems (Report, Public)
D1.2. Positioning of HEIR (Report, Confidential)
D1.3. System Architecture definition (Report, Public)
Duration: M7 – M26
The HEIR facilitators: Intelligent Threat Hunting and Collaborative privacy-aware framework. Objectives: The objectives of this WP are to design the HEIR facilitators. In particular, in this WP the following sub-systems, models and tools will be designed and implemented:
- the tool for monitoring the underlying health systems and analysing in real-time the vulnerabilities of them.
- the interactive sub-system for forensics analysis of the health systems.
- Novel machine learning models for anomaly detection and threat classification.
- the innovative HEIR collaborative framework which will incorporate modern block-chain technologies.
D2.1. The HEIR facilitators package: MVP (Demonstrator, Public)
D2.2. The HEIR facilitators package: 1st complete version (Demonstrator, Public)
D2.3. The HEIR facilitators package: Final complete version (Demonstrator, Public)
Duration: M7 – M26
The HEIR 1st layer of services and visualisations: The HEIR client and aggregator - Objectives: The main objectives of this WP is to design HEIR’s Client and Aggregators. In particular, in this WP the following sub-systems, models and tools will be designed and implemented:
- The novel HEIR Client.
- The threat detection module and the services for the RAMA score calculations at different levels.
- The toolset for the visualisation of the HEIR reported security levels, incidents, threats, statistics, etc.
- The novel HEIR Aggregators.
D3.1. The HEIR 1st layer of services package for the MVP (Demonstrator, Public)
D3.2. The HEIR 1st layer of services package: 1st complete version (Demonstrator, Public)
D3.3. The HEIR 1st layer of services package: Final version (Demonstrator, Public)
Duration: 1-36
The HEIR 2nd layer of services and visualisations: The Observatory Objectives: The objectives of this WP are to:
- design and implement the HEIR Observatory.
- develop the HEIR global benchmark against which the RAMA scores of medical infrastructures will be compared.
- design and develop the sub-system for the 2nd global layer of visualization.
- identify all the legal issues the end HEIR system.
D4.1. The HEIR 2nd layer of services package for the MVP (Demonstrator, Public)
D4.2. The HEIR 2nd layer of services package: 1st complete version (Demonstrator, Public)
D4.3. The HEIR 2nd layer of services package: Final ve5rsion (Demonstrator, Public)
Duration: M8 – M36
An end-to-end integrated cybersecurity framework for healthcare systems.
Objectives: The objectives of this WP are to:
- design and develop the HEIR secure data fusion and management infrastructure.
- implement the integrated HEIR framework that realizes the envisioned HEIR technology convergence.
- Support the commercialization activities of HEIR by releasing a stable and reliable solution for any end-to-end Industrial healthcare environment.
D5.1. The HEIR secure data management infrastructure (Report, Confidential)
D5.2. HEIR Minimum Viable Product (Demonstrator, Public)
D5.3. HEIR integrated framework intermediate version (Demonstrator, Public)
D5.4. HEIR integrated framework final version (Demonstrator, Public)
D5.5. Best practices for maintaining/operating the framework in the long-run-TRL7 (Demonstrator, Public)
D5.6. HEIR Open Data Pilot Contribution (ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot, Confidential)
Duration: M8 – M36
The objectives of this WP are to:
- ensure the finalisation of the demonstration protocol based on end-users’ requirements.
- realise real-life industrial demonstrators.
- provide detailed validation and evaluation of the HEIR platform, from a usability and end-user point of view.
D6.1. HEIR Demonstration - initial execution and evaluation (Demonstrator, Confidential)
D6.2. HEIR Demonstration - final execution (Demonstrator, Public)
D6.3. Assessment report and impact analysis (Report, Public)
Duration: M1 – M36
Objectives: The objectives of this WP are to:
- Develop the HEIR dissemination and communication strategy of the project.
- Develop the project’s visual identity, including conventional information material, tools (project website, social media) and audio-visual material (e.g. videos).
- engage the relevant stakeholders and target groups and raise awareness of general public about the project concept by participating and organizing outreach activities, international events (e.g. conferences and seminars) and info days.
- promote HEIR toolkit and project objectives and outputs at national and EC level.
- Develop the HEIR business model and strategies for incentivising/promoting project adoption by various stakeholders within the interactive, corporate training ecosystem during and after project.
- Raise awareness about the HEIR concept, developments and findings to all key actors (public bodies and local/regional authorities, education and healthcare professionals, SMEs, academics, policy makers).
- Develop the dissemination and communication strategy of the project, including social presence, participation in EU events, collaboration with other related projects; and implement it.
- Implement a user-friendly portal to inform the general public and relevant stakeholders about HEIR.
- Develop the business model for HEIR and strategies for incentivizing/promoting project adoption by various stakeholders within the interactive, corporate training ecosystem during and after project.
- Investigate the delivered solution by considering the platform’s minimum viable product (MVP) and prepare market entrance by evaluating strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the market offering, as well as market viability by considering standardisation aspects and approval through authorities.
- Create a marketing strategy that focuses on commercialisation including the products costs (TCO), benefits (TBO), and return on invest.
D7.1. The HEIR website and visual identity (Website, pattents, filling, etc., Public)
D7.2. HEIR Market analysis and preliminary business modelling (Repot, Confidential)
D7.3. Dissemination strategy and activities, stakeholders’ engagement and business opportunities – P1 (Report, Public)
D7.4. Dissemination strategy and activities, stakeholders’ engagement and business opportunities – P2 (Report, Public)
D7.5. Legal framework monitoring report - P1 (Report, Confidential)
D7.6. Legal framework monitoring report – P2 (Report, Confidential)
D7.7. Exploitation strategy, training material and activities – P1 (Report, Confidential)
D7.8. Exploitation strategy, training material and activities – P2 (Report, Confidential)
D7.9. Final business model and long-term sustainability report (Report, Public)
D7.10. HEIR training for experts and non-experts report (Report, Public)
Duration: M1 – M36
The objectives of this WP are to:
- establish a strong project management scheme.
- establish the appropriate communication and reporting channels to the European Commission.
- achieve a common scientific and technical direction within the project.
- ensure successful achievement of the project objectives on time and within budget.
- establish an efficient electronic service for communications, and document exchanging.
- realise synergies amongst the project members and effective exploitation of the project’s’ results.
- conduct continuous quality assurance activities for the operation of the project and the production of its scientific and technical results within its lifespan.
- ensure continuous monitoring of the project’s progress and timely initiation of corrective actions (if needed).
- coordinate the organization and execution of the various project meetings, and/or participation of the project in various external / self-organised events.
- perform risk analysis
D8.1. The HEIR Quality Assurance (QA) Plan (Report, Confidential)
D8.2. The HEIR periodic activity, financial, quality and risk management report - P1 (Report, Confidential)
D8.3. The HEIR periodic activity, financial, quality and risk management report - P2 (Report, Confidential)
Duration: M1 – M36
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.
D9.1. H - Requirement No. 1 (Ethics, Confidential) )
D9.2. H - Requirement No. 2 (Ethics, Confidential)
D9.3. POPD - Requirement No. 3 (Ethics, Confidential)
D9.4. M - Requirement No. 4 (Ethics, Confidential)